Cocktail Party

Our ancestor William Baker Tyzack brought his family to Australia and they arrived in Melbourne 150 years ago this year.  Within a few months, the family will have come together to recognise this fact – and to celebrate the notion that because of him, we have been born into what I think is the best country on earth.

One of the ways we will celebrate the occasion is with the two-hour long Cocktail Party.  My sister June Tyzack has kindly offered to be the MC and I know she plans to introduce all sorts of things and ideas to maintain your interest during the evening.


As for the practicalities:  you will be able sit or stand as you choose so do not worry about standing for two hours.  Over the cash bar you will be able to buy drinks of choice.  For those preferring a cup of tea of coffee, these will be free.

Someone asked me what they should wear. I  recommend smart casual but you will not be turned away if your wardrobe does not extend to this.  Quite a few family members are travelling from interstate and because of their various climates and different cultures (please note this is not a derogatory comment and comes from my experience living in every state and territory from which members of our family are travelling) – I guess we can expect the unexpected. Meeting you will be the most important thing to me.

I can only imagine happy chatter through the night as each of us looks at and meets other family members who we may not have known existed.

Some family members have asked what happens after the Cocktail Party.  Nothing has been planned. Since the Party is not a dining experience, I can only imagine I will be hungry and go out to dinner with some family members afterwards.  But nothing has been booked or organised. This means you can choose what you want to do.

If you have not received the specific details of the Cocktail Party, then please email me on and ask.


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